There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Scanned Sketches

Crest  Design A

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Created on June 12 2010

Treading my path to an empty tomorrow it felt
With the searing pain of yesterday
as I depart from today

Here I stand,
Pondering over my point of origin
Considering the destination

And here I stand
Here I see
As we slowly fall one by one
taken not by death, but
devoured by life itself


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Metal Arm

Creedleon : Mumbles

Love is the Way I Say Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon
Good Evening

This too, in its way is uncertainty
I don't know how to proceed anymore.
Being me, the way I am

Monday, June 7, 2010


Been a while since I last sketched

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Creedleon : Proximity Alert

 Between Dreams and Nightmares

My vision narrowed,
The whole world fades before her presence
She's everything to me now

My heart aches to embrace her
My arms craves her
But she cast a spell to keep me away


 I tried, 
I'm still trying,
and I will keep trying
till I win her heart one more time


Creedleon : Distress

 A Moment of Silence

By every passing second,
I grow colder.
Forgetting who I am,
as my feelings slowly dissipates,
fading into the cold pride
where I've been keeping the weakest part of me
of of harm's way


Created on March 22nd 2010

Pain Revisited

You didn't fail me,
you failed yourself,
I've tried but it seems that I've failed you too,
for that I apologize.

Created on September 29th 2009

The Empty Shell 

Suddenly I feel so restless,
so burdened,
so tired as if the weight of the world
is placed upon my shoulders


Creedleon : Memory 06

Fading Dreams

Here I stand, wondering


The uncertain tomorrow that hangs heavy on one of my shoulders
while the joy of yesterdays clings just as burdening on the other
