There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Created on September 29th 2009

The Empty Shell 

Suddenly I feel so restless,
so burdened,
so tired as if the weight of the world
is placed upon my shoulders


I do not recognize these feelings
I do not know this life anymore

I cannot see where I stand
Slowly, I'm losing grip
Fading from who I am


Or is it possible
that ME who I've known all along never existed?
Am I not who I thought I am?
Could it be that I am a lie
born as an amendment to the real me?
Will I someday wake up not being me anymore?

I question,
I wonder,
I doubt,
I untrust my very identity


By this creed of insecurity I have pledged my loyalty


Release me from this pain


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