There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Creedleon : Memory Fade Out

Blue Dream Serenade I learn to harness it, 

I found that it was never meant to be harnessed, 

the more I tried to tighten my grip, 

the faster it's slipping away from me, yet I'm too afraid to let it go...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Scary Day

A collection of some photos I took on a trip to the beach, taken with my camera phone Sony Ericsson k800i

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nozomi Sasaki 02

The next compilation of Nozomi Sasaki's pics, 16 images.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Poem on Loneliness


by: Conrad Aiken (1889-1973)

In the mazes of loitering people, the watchful and furtive,

The shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves,

In the drowse of the sunlight, among the low voices,

I suddenly face you,

Creedleon : Memory 05

. . .

I'm listening to Maksim's Claudine, it's 12 : 43 AM here.
A rainy night in Tondano, my hometown.
Cold night, but not really that cold.
The tunes suits the night's mood.
I love this weather

. . .

I'm having one of those days when the sense of reminisce is strong.
Thinking about the past, not that there is much about my past.
It's just that, lately

Monday, May 24, 2010

Creedleon : Memory Refrain

Well, what an interesting life. I haven't slept all night, editing this blog.
And just when I'm about to finish up, this comes right between the eyes.
This is wearing me out real fast.

Really not fun, and not even a little amusing or funny.
Just hurting, plain pain...
God I love her that bad...


Finally after several name changes, I think I've found the real name for this stupid blog.
Considering how stupid it might turn out, and how stupid it have been, I'm trying to think of the stupidest name possible [but at the same time wanting that stupid name to be cool too, is that possible?]

Well, anyway... I don't think that I will change this one. I love it.
What do you think? is it good?
Who cares, I love it, I won't change it q:

Nozomi Sasaki

I personally think that this one is Japan's finest, or at least she has to be on the top three.
Her name is Nozomi Sasaki, there are 21 Images of her here, including this one.

Namiko Hara

This one is Namiko Hara, I uploaded 27 images of her here.

Aya Hirano

Well, this one's Aya Hirano, another Japanese.
This post have 28 images.

Rika Ishikawa

This cutie is Rika Ishikawa, she's japanese... Google if you want more info! q:
This post has 14 images.

Vagrant Story

The body is but a vessel for the soul,

a puppet which bends to the soul's tyranny.

And lo, the body is not eternal,

for it must feed on the flesh of others,

lest it return to the dust from whence it came.

Therefore must the soul deceive, despise and murder men.

Quoted from A.J. Durai at the game Vagrant Story

Cloths of Heaven

Cloths of Heaven

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,

Enwrought with golden and silver light,

The blue and the dim and the dark cloths

Of night and light and the half-light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet:

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

[quoted from here]

Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer  

by Reinhold Niebuhr
God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
 [Quoted from here]

Creedleon : Memory 04

I just noticed that I put 'memory' for the title of these things.
Actually, not all of these are memories, some are just ideas there will be more of those, memories and ideas, I'm just putting things that came across my mind.

Well, lets get it on...

Things hasn't been good to me lately, too many problems hitting me from many sides.
My insecure core is getting hit bad, maybe life is training me the hard way, really need to keep everything in moderation.

In many areas, I think that I'm making too many efforts in vain, as if I'm trying to shoot a water gun to a tsunami.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Hometown

In front of the cybercafe where I spend most of my time.

Blue Sky Small Town

Foggy Tondano

Posted by Picasa


Creedleon : Memory 03

I just ran out of things to say, I can't believe that my heart is that easily played.
I really need to keep my feelings and emotions in check, it's just that I care that much.

Anyhow, she goes over the line sometimes, feels like every time I lower my shield I got punched to the gut, taking me down over and over...
Maybe I'm just being hypersensitive?
But the problem is that I'm comparing it with myself, I will never make that kind of jokes about the way I feel for her.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Creedleon : Memory Interlude

Here we are again...

If you're still here then I guess I'm doing a good job.
I hope these stuffs give you something to waste time with.

Well, lets get started then...
I think for this part I'm going to reminisce.

Creedleon : Memory 02

Only a few minutes has passed after the first 'working title' thingie,
but I'm going home, so I thought I should write something before I go.

Well, I've quit smoking, and I think I'm going to quit alcohol as well.
She might think that I did it for her, which is not necessarily wrong,
but the other fact is that I did ask her to take good care of herself for me,
so I'm trying to take better care of myself in an effort to be fair with her.
I am all about fairness
Or at least I'd think so.

Creedleon : Memory 01

Last night,

She said that she love everything about me.
I don't really know how to react.
There are things that I've been keeping even from myself.
I do know one thing, she is all I want now.

Truth be told that I have never felt anything close to this.
All those anxieties, restlessness, shocks.
I don't like any part of them,
But I love each and every second while I'm feeling those feelings
Because I know, that by all those unpleasant things,
I find my connection to her.



My Personal Crest [under construction]

A Motivational Poem

Playing The Game

By Author Unknown

Life is a game with a glorious prize,
If we can only play it right.
It is give and take, build and break,
And often it ends in a fight;
But he surely wins who honestly tries
(Regardless of wealth or fame),

The Optimist Creed

Promises to Yourself

By Christian D. Larsen

Promise yourself….
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind;

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet;

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them;

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true;

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best;


Live your life to it's fullest.
But how great is this life
when you measure it
by the dents and scars
by unclaimed love and broken hearts.
how quickly filled this life gets with
shattered dreams and misplaced things.
how busy we keep,

"Cinta bukanlah pilihan, hanya paksaan nasib yang kadang menjadi awal bahagia tapi sering menjadi sinisme hidup yang pahit...
Jika bisa memilih, inginkah kamu menghapus cinta yang melukai?

Lihatlah kembali, karena yang kini kau sesali mungkin adalah semua yang dulu kau simpan di sudut terindah hati, yang kau nikmati dalam setiap detakan jantung...

Mungkin tak indah yang kukatakan, tapi kata-kata indah tanpa kejujuran akan menjadi racun yg membawa lebih banyak kepedihan..."

"Love is never a choice, fate forces it upon us to be our path to happiness but often turn up to be a bitter sarcasm of life...
If you had the choice, would you erase a love that hurts you?

Look back to your past, because something that you now regret maybe the one thing you used to kept dearly in the deepest side of your heart, something you once cherish and enjoy with every beat of your heart...

This may not be beautiful, but soothing words without honesty in it will poison you with more sadness..."

Thoughts That Have Been Bothering Me

A collection of my favorite status updates (((:

d: sƃuıɥʇ ƃuıǝǝs ǝɹ,noʎ 'sǝʎ

"We reveal our true self in the way we love and in the way we hate..."

"It doesn't matter how much you give, what really matters is to whom you present it..."

(; uʍop ǝpısdn pǝdʎʇ ʎllɐǝɹ sı sıɥʇ 'ɹǝʇndɯoɔ ɹnoʎ ɹo sǝʎǝ ɹnoʎ ʇou s,ʇı 'ʎɹɹoʍ ʇ,uop

"Some people looks great, some people sounds great, but the truly great people are usually in hiding..."

"A great man is not one that can overcome his perils but one that can still help others while in peril..."

A Face In the Shadows

A face in the shadows,
lingering in the corner of my mind

A face in the shadows,
dancing in the depth of my pains

A face in the shadows,
the reality that seems unreal

A face in the shadows,
an existence denied

Blue Breezes Whisper

My dearest... Do you know?

A piece of this heart,

A part of this soul is being taken away...

My dearest... Do you know?

Happiness and sorrow hit me at the same time...

Do you know that home is not home without you?

Do you know that you are my link to the best part of me?

My dearest... Do you know?

I wish for the best for you but I can't deny

That letting go will be one of the hardest thing to do in this life...

My whole existence tremble in pain from the thought of your departure...

My dearest... Do you know?

I choked in tears from the thought of losing you

I know...

You'll always be there for me...

We share an unbreakable bond

Beyond the blood in our veins

My dearest...

Please remember that you'll always be...

My dearest...

Eulogy for a Dear One

For a life that withered
An innocence untainted
A soft breeze that only lasted for a blink of an eye

For the void that you left behind
A hollow space that was meant for you
The space that you never took

Bitter End

You didn't fail me, you failed yourself, I've also tried but it seems that I've failed you too, for that I apologize.

I wanted to shield you from your pain but time is not on my side.

Don't give up hope, don't lose your faith, you'll be in my prayers and in a corner of my heart.

I hope that the day will come for me to have a part in your life again.
Still, should I not find the chance, please know that you once held key to this heart.

Remember me with a smile, not between teardrops
For I would remember you not in regrets but in pure joy.

Godspeed, dearie...

My Bitter End

By your words it started
By your words it has ended

I'll tread the path to tomorrow by myself
Time has come for me to end my doubts
I've made my choices, challenging myself in doing so.
And by that, I accept this with my whole heart.
This will be
My punishment for ever betraying myself...

The Empty Space You Left Behind

The pain that slowly slips through the bones,
Burning my lungs,
Gripping my heart and resonates
through the bloodstream with every beat,
The pain that twitches
with every contraction of the muscles,
Filling my ears with voices of despair,
My eyes with sights of suffering,
Covering my skin with tingling madness,
Infusing the scent of demise through my nose
and the taste of bitter loneliness on my tongue,
Robbing every thought of hope from my brain...