There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Finally after several name changes, I think I've found the real name for this stupid blog.
Considering how stupid it might turn out, and how stupid it have been, I'm trying to think of the stupidest name possible [but at the same time wanting that stupid name to be cool too, is that possible?]

Well, anyway... I don't think that I will change this one. I love it.
What do you think? is it good?
Who cares, I love it, I won't change it q:

Hey, have you heard Maksim's Claudine? it sounds nice to my ears...
And well, I just wanted to say that I think I'm christening this blog with this name... vn_n

I might re-do "Creedleon's Locker(s)" in the future, I love that name, this blog is experimental.
Once I get the hang of this blogging thing, I'll re-built "Creedleon's Locker(s)".
In the mean time, I think this name is the most suitable one...
It have a good ring to it...

I was thinking "battle of perception and reality" reminds me of that philosopher, I mean philosophy, I forgot the dude, it's part of the existentialism thingie.
Have you ever considered that maybe this world is actually not like the way we see it?
The eyes can only see certain spectrum of light, which also means that there are shapes that we can't see, and our other senses are not exactly infallible, so there is no guarantee whatsoever that everything we're seeing hearing, smelling etc. etc. is exactly the way we think or we perceive it would be, would it?

It's just a thought, I'll come up with something else when I'm in the mood...

Take care then...

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