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Monday, October 22, 2012


...So came a thought to mind,
a painful truth choked my throat with a silent sob
a thin film of tears clouds my vision
when realization dawns
of what bitter creatures idealists are

Once innocence is lost
and the pink glasses of childhood-if there ever were-was lifted
thus unveiled the ever imposing,
infinitely intimidating cold world.

When dreams are hammered to submission by reality,
when one is forced to one's knees,
drowned in the bitter bile of thick sickening selfishness of human truths

As layers of masks,
myriads of facets,
legions of personas falls one by one
fighting the unending one-sided battles to protect the crying, trembling,
wounded existence of a child inside
We are not defeated!
One cries! Roars!
Yet ages have passed since the fight boils in one's blood
The fiery flames are now but a dim tinder against a raging blizzard

A dry smiling face of apathy stood!
Identity prevails however bloodless it looks
No longer fighting the war
simply staggering to keep the truce
the fake status quo
the reluctant indignant shameful white flag!

One bears one's soul so vulnerably
for here is me in my arrogance!
I have fought!
I have lost!
yet here I stand

A humble shamed survivor.

...Godspeed little child,
for ahead awaits an even bigger storm
blood and tears you have shed
blood and tears and blood and tears you will shed again
yet your path should never end by your own choice

...Godspeed little child

...Godspeed little child

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