There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012


...So came a thought to mind,
a painful truth choked my throat with a silent sob
a thin film of tears clouds my vision
when realization dawns
of what bitter creatures idealists are

Once innocence is lost
and the pink glasses of childhood-if there ever were-was lifted
thus unveiled the ever imposing,
infinitely intimidating cold world.

When dreams are hammered to submission by reality,
when one is forced to one's knees,
drowned in the bitter bile of thick sickening selfishness of human truths

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Lost Heart Odyssey

I sucked in a lump of air
And I tasted bile
I stare at the mirror and I see a villain
For guilt and pity are poisoning my mind
And I am but a weak mortal.

Providence touch my soul
Relieve me of this burden
For by mine own deeds I am encumbered
In my half-chosen ignorance I break my sacred seal
Again I feel tainted
Again I have wronged me.

I seek shelter and found none
For I know that from my pack I am now a criminal.

No solace for my guilty heart
No peace for my torn integrity
Serenity is but a distant dream
A utopia for one forsaken

To find blame which only I can claim.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Phone Camera Frenzy

These are from various places at various times, I just got the time to upload them.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sliver of Doubt

...That strange pain that lingers
These hidden wounds that throb and festers
Time and time again I have fallen,
Too many I have abandon

And apathy drains me,
And despair hugs me,
Suffocating memories,
Asphyxiating reality,

I have nothing
And I don't know what to want

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sliver of Sincerity

...Extending the tendrils of intuition
Reaching out for the ephemeral existence of shy hopes and muted wishes

Here is me,
The remnants of old glory
The obelisk of past arrogance
Standing defiantly against the tide of time
A promise from a forgotten age.

Rise young souls and be not me...

[ Original post here]

Friday, March 2, 2012


Just having some fun with my camera phone.

Roadside view

More coming up. These are just things I happen to stumble upon with my camera phone.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Amber Heard

Blond bombshell, this one's a real knockout!

Spencer Locke

Still digging the net for beauties I saw on screen or whatever.
The next one is a hot young actress, haven't seen much of her on this part of the world,
Maybe that's why she doesn't have easily accessible decent pics.

Rena Tanaka

Here's one of Asia's, I mean THE WORLD's most gorgeous women.
Rena Tanaka, [not to be confused with Reina Tanaka]

Rena Tanaka is the face close-up on the left hand side. The other one, is obviously Reina Tanaka.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rachael Leigh Cook

Well, she's one of the best looking girls I've ever seen.

I guess showing the world things I find beautiful should be good.
These images are things you can easily found on the web, I may add some more later.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is it Too Late to Say 'Happy New Year'?

Well, it's been a long while since I post anything.
I just thought that I need to put something artsy here.
I'm planning on some pretty drastic changes in my life this year, but I'm just too much of a sloth to start anything for now.
I wanted to pursue more on art, but I need to work on other things first.

Happy new year!