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Monday, May 24, 2010

Creedleon : Memory Refrain

Well, what an interesting life. I haven't slept all night, editing this blog.
And just when I'm about to finish up, this comes right between the eyes.
This is wearing me out real fast.

Really not fun, and not even a little amusing or funny.
Just hurting, plain pain...
God I love her that bad...

I just have less restraint about those who I really care.
That's why I get into argument with my family too easy.
I should have known that it'd be just as easy in this kind of relationship.
I'm not really an expert in romantic relationship anyways...

I thought it's enough by being true, but it's actually tougher in some areas.
Those little white lies are playing safe, with a little risk on the side.
But what about this?
Is being true have its gambles too?
Still, I just need to keep on the basics, that is that I have love.
And holding on to that love that I have should make everything alright eventually.

Wish me luck and pray for me will you?

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