There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Lost Heart Odyssey

I sucked in a lump of air
And I tasted bile
I stare at the mirror and I see a villain
For guilt and pity are poisoning my mind
And I am but a weak mortal.

Providence touch my soul
Relieve me of this burden
For by mine own deeds I am encumbered
In my half-chosen ignorance I break my sacred seal
Again I feel tainted
Again I have wronged me.

I seek shelter and found none
For I know that from my pack I am now a criminal.

No solace for my guilty heart
No peace for my torn integrity
Serenity is but a distant dream
A utopia for one forsaken

To find blame which only I can claim.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Phone Camera Frenzy

These are from various places at various times, I just got the time to upload them.