There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hisashiburi da na...

Amateur Photography

I've always loved photography, well the art of creating pictures to be exact. Been infatuated by graphic arts. Tried sketching a bit as some of the old (old old) posts suggest and still not that good at it. Switching to some more instant way of creating pictures and loving it.

Now I have my own camera a (not so) cheap but reliable Nikon Coolpix L820, I've been trying to be a bit productive that way. The camera is practically automatic, it is a bridge camera or a superzoom. It does most of the work for me, I practically just point and shoot with slight control over the image quality and other photographic thingy. However, I do have a pretty good eye for aesthetics if I may say so. That in essence is what great photographers have when they started (in my opinion)

So without any further ado, here is a taste of what's to come.

The rooftop of my workplace

The same rooftop on different panoramic shot

Best panoramic angle in my opinion

Parking lot behind my workplace

Still on the parking lot

The view from the apartment where I currently live, I live on the 6th floor

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