There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Creedleon : Incognito

I feel so tired,
weary and crumpled
the relieve that I draw from the pain of self pitying
the fake consolation that has been my drug
all along
all this time


I cast down my mask
only to have my face scarred
over and over
and over


Here I am,
here I stand
I am but a wanderer
with limping steps I tread my path
from unknown to uncertainty
I have journeyed

Do I not deserve a breeze of relieve?
for I do not long for a swim in a lake
I am not demanding a river
just a small spring,
a minute of rain on this desert


For the love that I once have
for the pain that I still bear
I ask not a life long bliss

I only need

...a reason to smile again


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