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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Creedleon : Mumbles

Love is the Way I Say Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon
Good Evening

This too, in its way is uncertainty
I don't know how to proceed anymore.
Being me, the way I am
The love is there, undoubtedly from both sides,
but shouldn't we realize at some point that maybe
just maybe
we're going the wrong way?
Maybe one of us is not seeing the point
or perhaps the both of us are not looking at the right image?

Does love, by itself is enough?
Are we not having enough respect and understanding
towards each other?

I am 
trying to find the question
with 'love' as the answer
trying to find the answer
with 'love' as the question

For better or for worse,
if it is true and honest and sincere

it will bring no regrets


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