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Friday, May 21, 2010

Creedleon : Memory Interlude

Here we are again...

If you're still here then I guess I'm doing a good job.
I hope these stuffs give you something to waste time with.

Well, lets get started then...
I think for this part I'm going to reminisce.

Junior high, the time when I was still a kid, I really have no interest of the opposite sex.
Back then, the difference between a boy and a girl are just a few lumps of flesh hahaha.
I miss that innocence sometimes, the ability to stay free, as if this world have no power over you.
But well, it's a great dream but we all must wake up sometimes....

Anyway, before I trail off too far, the junior high time is not that adventurous, well at least I think so.
Once I met a girl that said, "Leon, what's your name?" that left me with a deep impression, not because she's cute[which she really is then] but because that is a VERY stupid question!
Then they tried to hook me up with a third year girl when I was on my second year there, now that's a bit embarrassing, OKAY that was REALLY embarrassing, but nope, it didn't take my childhood away.
Even when in the third year, some girls are subtly displaying that they like me[I really didn't sense anything then...]
I don't know what they were thinking about me, but romance is not a part of my reality AND dreams then.

I guess now's the time for high school [I've been there]
I was attracted to this cute girl when I'm a freshman, long hair, slender body... well, the typical[I don't know why I'm the only one seeing that].

And anyway, being the timid guy that I've always been, I didn't do anything about that till I'm on my senior year.
I planned to ask her out several times but something always came up, and it turned out that a friend from my junior high like her too and I'm just one step behind.
It's almost the final exams when I finally got my shot, they just broke up[bad timing, but I didn't care then]
Well, a friend warned me that I'm gonna get rejected but I just can't live with myself without trying, so told her that I'm going anyway.
The afternoon lessons in preparation for the final exams, the classroom, I got there first, alone, as usual, I've arranged with a friend that comes to the school with her everyday so they come in early...
Well, I'm not really that subtle like the way I do now, quite straight to the point, and after the customary preliminary speech, she rejected me.
Not only that, even after we graduated she seem to be avoiding me for some reason.

I'll add in more things when I recall some interesting facts...

[originally this was number 03 but something came up]

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