There are more than one picture on most posts, I just shrunk it to one pic for the front page to save you some scrolling spaces.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Empty Space You Left Behind

The pain that slowly slips through the bones,
Burning my lungs,
Gripping my heart and resonates
through the bloodstream with every beat,
The pain that twitches
with every contraction of the muscles,
Filling my ears with voices of despair,
My eyes with sights of suffering,
Covering my skin with tingling madness,
Infusing the scent of demise through my nose
and the taste of bitter loneliness on my tongue,
Robbing every thought of hope from my brain...

The empty space that you left behind
There will be no other to take it
It will not go away,
It can only be reduced as time goes on

I may find another love
But it will be on another space in my heart
The space that you left behind
I will always hold dear
I will keep it as a reminder
Of every sweet thing I had with you
In time, the memory remains
But the pain dissipates

But for now, it's all pain for me
Farewell love,
May God lead your way to happiness

I will cherish you in my memory
 and forever
Abolish you from my reality

Know that you have once been loved... 


  1. Oh WOW!!!!!!! That is amazing, Leon. So strong, full of emotion - kinda made me want to cry!

  2. Well, it's about somebody...
    And I wanted to emphasize the "abolished from my reality" part ;)


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