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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Poem on Loneliness


by: Conrad Aiken (1889-1973)

In the mazes of loitering people, the watchful and furtive,

The shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves,

In the drowse of the sunlight, among the low voices,

I suddenly face you,

     Your dark eyes return for a space from her who is with you,

They shine into mine with a sunlit desire,

They say an 'I love you, what star do you live on?'

They smile and then darken,

And silent, I answer 'You too--I have known you,--I love you!--'

And the shadows of tree-trunks and shadows of leaves

Interlace with low voices and footsteps and sunlight

To divide us forever

[Quoted from here]

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